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rate gyroscope中文是什么意思

用"rate gyroscope"造句"rate gyroscope"怎么读"rate gyroscope" in a sentence


  • 二自由度陀螺仪
  • 速率陀螺
  • 速率陀螺仪
  • 速率陀螺仪微分陀螺仪
  • 阻尼陀螺仪


  • This thesis describes the investigations on the design and characteristics of a novel de - coupled micromachined vibratory rate gyroscope , which can work at atmospheric pressure . 1
  • 1 . analyse two - axis antenna platform based on rate gyroscope with the method of kinematics , conclude the stabilization condition of two - axis antenna , provide the theory reliance for closed loop scheme based on gyroscope . 2
  • In order to obtain an optimal estimate of the tilt angle and angle velocity , an indirect kalman filter configuration combining a rate gyroscope sensor and an accelerometer is implemented . because of the extreme nonlinearity of the two - wheeled self - balancing robot , application feasibility of nonlinear system control strategy based on linear approximation method , exact linearization and intelligent control have been investigated . according to robustness , balancing performance and environment adaptability , robust tracking control , linear quadratic regulator and fuzzy model reference learning control are implemented to the velocity controller
  • A micromachined vibratory rate gyroscope which can work at atmospheric pressure is presented in this paper , but a main problem of which was discovered through fea analysis : the mechanical coupling error can easily arise if the mass and the supporting beams are not completely symmetrical as a result of fabrication error during silicon micromaching
  • By means of the theoretical analysis of the micromachined vibratory rate gyroscope , we get following conclusions : the microgyroscope can be driven by tangent electrostatic force produced by fence structure electrodes , and the normal electrostatic force can be neglected for the influence of the device property ; the parasitical capacitance and fringing effect can ’ t be neglected for the calculating of the detection capacitance ; the coefficient of damping force is comparatively little when the air damping in the driving mode and the sensing mode of the device is the couette flow damping
    主要内容如下: 1 .分析了微机械陀螺的运动特性、静电驱动特性和在大气下的阻尼特性,分析结果表明,可以运用切向静电力驱动质量块振动,法向静电力对器件特性的影响可以忽略;在计算微结构电容时,电容的边缘效应和寄生电容不可忽略;在器件所受阻尼主要为库埃特流阻尼的情况下,阻尼力系数较小。
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